Our Team


Magan Hendry

"I had ZERO intentions of ever becoming a coach. I actually had zero intentions of ever being anything other than a wife and a mom, after leaving my career as a teacher.

But God had other plans for me, and I’m so glad that He did!

Because of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss my boys are able to see me living my best life, working a dream job where I get to serve other women. I’ve found my purpose and this job is so dang rewarding."


Kelsey Blair

"I could've never imagined the joy that comes from teaching and watching others change their lives. It brings me such joy each day to sit back and watch my clients work for and achieve their goals!

To have a job that you love so much that it doesn't feel like work is something that most want but will never achieve... The FASTer Way is an opportunity for that!

I am so thankful I made the decision over a year ago to join this coach community."

Lauren Glynn

”3 and a half years ago, I was presented with the opportunity to become a FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach- to partner with The CEO and Founder of the company, to link arms with the most amazing, strong, and passionate women. I found my passion, I found my purpose, and it paired perfectly with God's plan for our family.⁣

I'm so incredibly grateful that I said YES 3.5 years ago...that I could build my business from home, around my schedule...so that 1 year ago, when the situation called for it, I could make a decision based on my family's needs, and not out of fear."

Anne Schulte

“Becoming a FASTer Way Coach has been the ride of a lifetime. Never something I intended to do or ever thought I would do. ⁣

But sometimes those are the best gifts. And becoming a certified coach for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss  has more than exceeded my expectations. The clients I’ve met, the coach friends I’ve made, the community impact we are making, the purpose it has provided me. All of it - way beyond what I could have dreamed. ⁣

If you ever feel a pull towards something scary, a tug towards the unexpected - listen to it. You don’t have to have all the answers or know how it’s all going to work, but usually that tug doesn’t lie to you.”

Loren Mattingly

When you become Certified with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you’ll have the chance to do good in today’s marketplace and economy.

You’ll have the opportunity to empower others to stay well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy. You’ll find fulfillment and satisfaction in your career as you make a positive impact on the world.

What you'll learn in the FASTer Way Certification will truly enhance every aspect of your life. It will help you be a better parent, friend, business leader, community member, and MORE!

Jenna Springer

"I love being a FASTer Way Coach! Best job ever! Helping moms feel better about themselves, building confidence, living out my purpose of changing lives and showing people that they can EAT and see long-term results! I get excited just typing this! Very blessed and honored to be a FW coach! I can do it from anywhere, even while being at home with my 2 little ones."


Not only does being a FASTer Way coach allow me to encourage, uplift, and support other men and women in their wellness journey but I am able to contribute financially in a significant way for our family.

By stepping into fear instead of running from it I was able to quit a job I was unhappy in and take an entire summer off.

I now can work as needed at the hospital about 4x per month.

I have the flexibility to work from home so if my kiddos need me I am able to be here without the stress of needing to call out from work.

I was able to be home with my kids during COVID as hard as that time was and still bring in a steady stream of income.